CBD Oil and Anxiety Research
Evidence continues to emerge regarding CBD oil and its numerous benefits in the way of brain health and neurological protection. Many people who deal with mental health disorders such as PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) or GAD (General Anxiety Disorder), can receive assistance with managing their symptoms. Unfortunately, anxiety is a common feeling that many experiences on a day to day basis. Researchers continue to discover more ways in which CBD can be used to alleviate stress and anxiety for its consumers.
CBD and the Brain
Our bodies have an endogenous endocannabinoid system that houses cannabinoid receptors. They are called the CB1 and CB2 receptors, the former being located mainly throughout the brain, and the latter being contained within the immune system. Cannabinoids, such as cannabis and CBD attach and/or directly affect the functioning of these receptors after consumption. Speaking specifically to the CB1 receptors, CBD doesn’t actually attach to these receptors but what it does is encourage them to function optimally by directly affecting the glands throughout the endocrine system.
For example, CBD is a known mood enhancer as it works through the stimulation of our brain’s neurotransmitters. It regulates the brain’s serotonin levels to keep them balanced and this particular chemical is responsible for the feeling of happiness. CBD binds directly to a specific serotonin receptor that is most closely connected to anxiety disorders and ensures that enough cortisol (hormone related to stress) is produced; CBD also helps to prevent chemical imbalances from occurring between the glands that produce various hormones that affect our moods, thinking, memory, etc.
As more studies are conducted with various dosages of CBD, physicians will be able to determine how much CBD is effective for keeping anxiety and stress at bay. Unlike other prescription drugs that are given for severe anxiety such as Klonopin or Xanax, CBD isn’t an addictive substance that can cause drug dependency. At the moment there have not been many studies conducted on humans as would be optimal, but there is no denying that CBD possesses mood enhancement properties that can greatly assist those who suffer from chronic anxiety. Since we know that external stimuli which causes anxiety can have internal ramifications- such as adverse effects on our immune system, it is critical that more be done to spread awareness of CBD as a treatment option.
Taking a CBD capsule
Taking a CBD pill or capsule is done in the same manner any other pill or capsule is taken; place it in your mouth and swallow it with a glass of water. If you are already taking vitamins or supplements, it’s will be easy to simply add the CBD capsule into your daily mix.