CBD Oil and ADHD Research
Due to the immense benefits of CBD, which is a chemical compound found in the Cannabis plant, researchers are now trying to discover the limits of this substance. Known to have healing properties and aid in pain relief for a variety of ailments, CBD has the capacity to be very beneficial as an alternative treatment option for numerous disorders. Due to issues of legality, its availability is limited, as well as sufficient clinical trials to support the claims of its medicinal uses. Nonetheless, because CBD has been linked to reducing anxiety, a new question has arisen; health professionals have begun questioning whether it can also assist with ADHD symptoms.
What is ADHD?
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is a mental health disorder that sometimes causes abnormal impulsive and hyper behaviors in both adults and children.
Individuals with ADHD may lack the ability to concentrate on simple tasks and sitting still for prolonged periods of time can prove to be difficult. ADHD also affects a person’s capacity to learn and socialize with others. The cause for ADHD has not been specifically pinpointed, but it is said to be largely caused by genetics.
CBD and Mood Regulation
CBD oil is known to regulate a person’s mood by stimulating the neurotransmitters in the brain. Physiological symptoms such as an increased heart rate and sweating can be reduced in those who have ADHD. The chemical in the brain that’s responsible for happiness is serotonin. Too much or too little serotonin can be harmful, so it is crucial that our serotonin levels are balanced. CBD binds to a specific serotonin receptor that’s directly connected to anxiety disorders and it allows for regulation and optimal functionality.
For those who experience anxiety or stress from hyperactivity, CBD may be able to assist them with reducing the anxiety and allowing for relaxation and impulsivity to subside.
Further CBD Research Needed
One study in particular, utilized a very small sample size of 30 participants with ADHD; they were all adults and they received a small sample of CBD. The participants went through an evaluation for IQ performance on standardized tests and ADHD symptoms. The results concluded that there wasn’t significant improvement on cognitive function and symptom reduction but there was nominal improvement on hyperactivity and impulsivity.
There has been some limited research regarding Cannabis and anxiety or ADHD, however, because Cannabis has the chemical THC, which has psychoactive properties. This is associated with feelings of paranoia or nervousness, which can serve to worsen ADHD. CBD has less than 0.3% THC, therefore it has the benefits of mood regulation without any mind-altering effects.
At the moment there haven’t been substantial studies or clinical trials that have been conducted with children and adults with ADHD, but limited studies show promise.